пятница, 27 февраля 2015 г.

Basic Isometric Workout Routines

Basic Isometric Workout Routines
Isometric exercises can be done anywhere, including your home.

Isometric exercises do not involve any body movement; they simply involve static muscle contractions. If you're just beginning an exercise routine, isometric exercises are effective because they do not require any equipment, are safe on joints and effectively build strength. A basic isometric workout includes exercises for your upper body, core and lower body, but make sure to consult your physician before beginning a new exercise routine.

Workout Structure

Your basic isometric workout routine should include nine exercises: three for the upper body, three for the lower body and three for the core. Because isometric exercises do not involve any movement, you cannot count repetitions, and instead use time, a 15-second hold of each exercise to be exact. Your workout will be split into three sets, each set including one exercise from each body division. Start your workout with five minutes of warm-up calisthenics or jogging in place. Then begin your first set, completing two sets of 15 seconds of each exercise with a 15-second rest between each exercise. Rest one minute between sets and then complete your next two sets.

Upper-Body Exercises

Your three isometric upper-body exercises will work your chest, back and shoulder muscles. For the best results, you will hold a pushup position, either from your feet or your knees. Ensure that your back does not sag and you continue to breathe. To work your back, hook your fingers together in front of you and try to pull the arms apart. This will engage you back muscles as you hold that pull for 15 seconds. Your shoulder muscles will be worked in a doorway -- simply stand and push your straight arms out into the door frame and hold for 15 seconds.

Core Exercises

A plank, side plank and bridge hold are your isometric core exercises. To do the plank, rest your toes and forearms on the ground and hold the rest of your body in the air. This position targets your abdominals. The side plank is similar, but you will turn and rest on your forearm and the side of a foot. Again hold your hips off the ground for 15 seconds, working your obliques. Lie supine on the ground to do the bridge hold. Bend your knees to place your feet flat on the ground, and then lift your hips off the ground so that your body is straight, and hold.

Lower-Body Exercises

Lower body exercises are quite simple as they involve holding a position from a more dynamic exercise. You will start with squat holds, simply squatting down and holding this position for 15 seconds. Your second exercise is a lunge hold. Stagger your feet, bend both knees and lunge down. Hold that position for 15 seconds and make sure to alternate feet. The third leg exercise is a lateral leg raise. Stand, and keeping your knee straight, raise your right leg straight out to the side and hold it there for 15 seconds. Make sure to do both legs.

Scotty Brunning is a Chicago-based health and fitness writer. Having worked with the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Cooper Fitness Center in Dallas, he has a plethora of fitness experience. He is an ACSM-certified health fitness specialist and a Cooper Institute master fitness specialist. Brunning holds a master's degree in health and fitness.

Original article and pictures take healthyliving.azcentral.com site

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