вторник, 16 мая 2017 г.

The Six Best Supersets for a Sick Pump and Serious Muscle Gains

The Six Best Supersets for a Sick Pump and Serious Muscle Gains

You want more muscle and you want more size. We get it. But if you’re already working hard in the gym and doing all the right exercises, what else can you do get some extra growth and sick pump? Simple. Just spend an extra few minutes at the gym and do a “superset” of a few exercises—lean muscle gains will follow.

How Supersets Work:

Supersets are when you put two or more exercises together without rest; once the superset is completed, you can rest before doing another round. Traditionally, the exercises within a superset targets different muscle groups—the idea is to condense them together to save time, keep your heart rate up, and boost your metabolism by blasting your body.

8 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism >>>

If you set up your supersets to target the same muscle group, however, you’ll benefit get way more stimulus on your fibers—both slow-twitch and fast-twitch—and you’ll get a sick pump, too. Try one of these supersets at the end of your workout and see the difference after you leave the gym.

SUPERSET #1: Chest:

Do 6 rounds with no rest between exercises. Rest 60 second between rounds.

A1) Incline Dumbbell Bench Press — 12 reps

A2) TRX Pushups — 12 reps

SUPERSET #2: Back:

Do 5 rounds with no rest between exercises. Rest 60 second between rounds.

A1) Chest Supported Row — 10 reps

A2) TRX Inverted Row — 10 reps

A3) Facepulls — 10 reps

SUPERSET #3: Legs:

Set timer for 5 minutes. Do as many rounds as possible.

A1) Front Squats — 8 reps

A2) Overhead Bodyweight Squats (hold a dowel or stick overhead) — 15 reps

SUPERSET #4 Biceps:

Do 4 rounds with no rest between exercises. Rest 60 second between rounds.

A1) EZ Bar Curl — 10 reps

A2) Cable Curl — 10 reps

A3) Barbell Curl — hold halfway point for 30 seconds

SUPERSET #5: Triceps:

Do 4 rounds with no rest between exercises. Rest 60 second between rounds.

A1) Dips — 12 reps

A2) Band Pulldown — as many reps as possible (at least 30)

SUPERSET #6: Shoulders:

Do 4 rounds with no rest between exercises. Rest 60 second between rounds.

A1) Dumbbell Push Press — 15 reps

A2) Dumbbell Overhead Reverse Lunges — 8 reps each side

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Original article and pictures take s.yimg.com site

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